- cpsc 334: creative embedded systems
- cpsc 459: building interactive machines
- cpsc 376: advanced computer and data science applications for the digital humanities
- cpsc 413: computer system security
- cpsc 478: computer graphics
- cpsc 470: artificial intelligence
- cpsc 365: algorithms
- cpsc 323: systems programming and computer organization
- cpsc 202: discrete math for cs
- cpsc 223: data structures
- cpsc 201: intro cs
- film 305: animation
- film 351: documentary, fiction, docufiction
- art 294: technology and the promise of transformation
- litr 143: world cinema
- litr 130: how to read
- engl s361e: modern american drama
- engl s201: shakespeare: histories and tragedies
- engl 134: reading fiction for craft
- engl 120: reading and writing the modern essay
- gman 152: contemporary german media
- eall 219: chinese philosophy
- chns 165: readings in modern chinese fiction
- chns 170: literary chinese i
- chns 152,153: advanced chinese for advanced speakers
- japn 110: elementary japanese i
- ling 110: language: introduction to linguistics
- nsci 160: the human brain
- psych 160: abnormal psychology
- s&ds 230: data exploration and analysis
- s&ds 220: intensive introductory statistics
- art 111: visual thinking
- aphy 110: the technological world